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Meet Our Instructors
» Ruben West | Kevin Wilson | Corey Fearing | Anthony Martinez | Kathy Lewis | Roger Lewis | Michael Nobo | Kirk Shiney | Ron Haag | Gary Muckenthaler | Donna Grabauskas
Our instructors at PMA are top notch. Their vast experience brings you many methods and options for your training. Please click on an instructor's name to read a detailed biography.
Ruben West - Karate

Grand Master West is currently a 9th degree Blackbelt instructor in the Dillman Karate International (DKI). He started his Karate training in the 1980's at Washburn University under the direction of
Head Instructor Ronnie Moore. He trained in judo at the Topeka Judo Academy and studied judo/jujitsu from instructors Ron Vowel (Carbondale, KS) and Katsumasa Nohara (Japan). He trained under Sensei Moore for close to nine years. In 1995 he attended a World Matsubayashi-ryu Karate-do Association (WMKA) seminar. There he met Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine, founder of Matsuybayashi Ryu Karate and his son Takioshi Nagamine. It was then that he learned of the many opportunities to train with the Masters from Okinawa and deepen his understanding of the art. While in Canada testing for his San-dan rank, he was shown a tape of Grand-master George A. Dillman and was amazed at what he discovered. Though the Masters from Okinawa often spoke of the pressure points and the advanced breakdown of kata application, they were reluctant to show it in such a large seminar setting.
Grand Master Ruben West started studying the books and tapes of Grandmaster Dillman. He attended a live seminar where Grandmaster Dillman demonstrated a touch chi knockout on him. He applied and was accepted into the DKI organization. Though he has worked in surgery along side various surgeons for over 15 years, he attributes his pressure point knowledge to the DKI masters who have given him personal instruction.
Kevin S. Wilson - Karate

Grand Master Kevin Wilson is currently a 7th degree Black Belt with Dillman Karate International, and has been studying the Martial Arts since the early '90s. The Martial Arts has positively influenced his life in so many ways. As an instructor and teacher, it is his goal to provide the same positive influence to students, so that they may appreciate the art of self-defense, physical fitness, and aspects of Eastern culture.
Grand Master Wilson was first introduced to Karate at Washburn University under the instruction of Mr. Ronnie Moore. After initially training with Mr. Moore, he focused his studies under Mr. Ruben West. After years of training with Mr. West, they eventually opened a school together Professional Martial Arts.
A large part of Martial Arts training is knowing how to defend yourself. However, there are so many other aspects of training. Understanding the principles of Respect, Self Control, and Concentration are aspects of training that GM Wilson tries to instill in every student. Through studying Martial Arts, these principles become second nature and help to provide confidence and maturity in everything that we do.
Grand Master Wilson has been featured in the Bill "Superfoot" Wallace "Changing Lives Series" book in 2022, and the Cynthia Rothrock "Who's Who In The Martial Arts" book Series. GM Wilson was also a featured author in the "Elite Martial Artists In America: Secrets to Life, Leadership & Business" book. He writes about the "Secret of Life" in his "Martial Arts for the Modern World" section. A special thank you to the American Martial Arts Alliance, and Elite Publications
When walking into the dojo, a certain attitude is expected of each student (and teacher). Kevin has spoken about once reading a quote that spoke of this, and ended with "the world is the dojo". This positive outlook on the world and each other is probably the most important part of our training.
Training and Experience
* Actor in Cynthia Rothrock's movie "Black Creek"
* WMKA (World Matsubayashi Karate-Do Association) New York / Japan;
* Instructor Professional Martial Arts since 1997;
*Assisted in and taught Women's Self-Defense Courses;
*Studied and Ranked in Judo/Ju-Jitsu (Katsumasa Nohara / Japan, Ron Vowel / Carbondale, KS);
*Work with Training Experience International Citizens Against Crime;
*Trained in Modern Arnis with Prof. Remy Presas;
*DKI Member (Dillman Karate International Pressure Point Fighting Methods);
*Hall of Fame Award Recipient in 2006 - Instructor of the Year;
*Hall of Fame Award Recipient in 2014 - Shorinryu Master of the Year;
*Dr. Greg K. Dillon "Excellence in Action" Award recipient - Sept. 2022;
*Featured martial artist in the Bill "Superfoot" Wallace "Changing Lives Series" biography book - 2022;
*Featured martial artist in the Cynthia Rothrock "Who's Who in the Martial Arts" book - 2023;
*Co-Author in the International Best Selling book "Elite Martial Artist in America: Secrets to Life, Leadership & Business
Barry Reed - Karate
While earning his degree in business at Washburn University in Topeka, KS Barry studied karate as a member of the Washburn Karate Club under Sensei Ronnie Moore, earning his 1st degree black belt in Matsubayashi-ryu in December 1995. After six years studying with Sensei Moore Barry focused his training under Sensei Ruben West.
During a four-year period starting in 1995 Barry had many opportunities to meet and train with a large group of Masters from Okinawa that included Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine founder of Matsubayashi-ryu and his son Master Takayoshi Nagamine current director of the World Matsubayashi-ryu Karate Association (WMKA).
In 1997 while training in Toronto Canada with Master Takayoshi Nagamine, the group Barry was traveling with learned of the pressure point theory of Martial Arts taught by Grand Master George A. Dillman in Reading, PA. He was amazed and started studying the Dillman Fighting Method.
In 1999 he traveled with a group to Houston, TX to meet and train with Grand Master George Dillman. Shortly after that they joined Dillman Karate International (DKI). Barry is currently a 3rd degree black belt and is still an active member of DKI. He continues his training in the pressure point theory. Barry also has rank in Aikido.
Corey Fearing - Karate
Corey was honorably discharged in May of 95 after spending 5 years in the U.S. Army. While in the military he was taught basic self defense and some hand to hand combat. Looking to maintain a high level of physical fitness as well as sharpen his self defense skills; he came to Midwest Martial Arts in May of 97 and started his training under Sensei Ruben West. Through countless hours of class and numerous hours of private instruction he obtained his blackbelt in May of 2000. Though his Nidan rank is in the art of karate, Corey has also had grappling training and studied judo/jujitsu under Sensei Ron Vowel (Carbondale, KS).
Corey asserts that grappling will test the limits of your mental and physical toughness while making you a well rounded martial artist. Even though he has not reached his blackbelt rank in judo, he attests that the journey has been very helpful in his quest for overall martial arts excellence.
Corey is also an avid practitioner of the Kyusho Jitsu/Dillman Fighting Method. Corey feels that since the head instructor, Ruben West, has worked in surgery along side various surgeons for over 15 years, he has been able to rapidly advance in his study of pressure points. This advance study has given him a greater appreciation for martial arts training.
Anthony Martinez - Karate
Anthony began his martial arts training under Ronnie Moore in 1996 at Midwest Martial Arts. Anthony later redirected his training under Master Ruben West at Professional Martial Arts. He is currently a first-degree black belt under the Dillman Karate Method. He has been to the famous Muhammad Ali Training Camp several times to train with Grandmaster George Dillman and many other Master level instructors. He believes that Karate is more than a sequence of moves; he believes that there is a more complex interpretation to each move within any martial art.
In addition to Karate, he is actively involved in: Mayor's Youth Council, Hayden Service Club, International Club, SADD, National Honor Society, Youth Court, Future Business Leaders of America, and Student Council. Anthony will attend Benedictine College this Fall.
Kathy Lewis - Karate
Kathy is a 1st degree Black Belt in Professional Martial Arts, and has been studying Karate since 2000. She sees the Martial Arts as more than exercise, conditioning, or self-defense though all of these are a part. It is a way of life that maintains physical fitness while providing positive direction to social interactions with others and mental alertness. There is always more to learn and much to improve in ways that are quite different from day to day life, but improves all facets of life.
Kathy was first exposed to Karate while attending aerobic kick boxing classes at PMA. Both Mr. West and Mr. Wilson taught these classes which included many of the basic techniques of Karate. It was also an opportunity to talk to students of Karate and see their class activities.
She received her 1st degree rank in 2005 after 5 years of study at PMA as well as participation in a variety of seminars. These included George Dillman Summer Camps in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2008 where she learned from internationally recognized masters. Other activities include attending all Budo Camps, a Pressure point seminar with Jim Corn in 2001, a 2 day Modern Arnis Workshop with Remy Presas Jr, and several months of instruction in Gracie Barra ground fighting.
Kathy has participated in 16 tournaments to date including the Sunflower Games, Tornado Internationals, and a number of locally sponsored events. She sees competition as a way to see other styles and sharpen her own skills and has 12 first place, 11 second place, and 9 third place awards in Kata, weapons, and point sparring.
The Martial Arts are a satisfying life time endeavor that makes you a better person.
Roger Lewis - Karate
Roger is a 1st degree Black Belt in Professional Martial Arts, and has been studying Karate since 2000. His interest initially was for the conditioning and health aspects, and as a subject to learn that is dramatically different from working with computer systems. This evolved into curiosity for the history of the art and the similarities and differences between the various styles.
Roger was first exposed to Karate while attending aerobic kick boxing classes at PMA. Both Mr. West and Mr. Wilson taught these classes which included many of the basic techniques of Karate. It was also an opportunity to talk to students of Karate and see their class activities.
He received his 1st degree rank in 2005 after 5 years of study at PMA as well as participation in a variety of seminars. These included George Dillman Summer Camps in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2008 where he learned from internationally recognized masters. Other activities include attending all Budo Camps, a Pressure point seminar with Jim Corn in 2001, and a 2 day Modern Arnis Workshop with Remy Presas Jr.
Roger was encouraged to participate in tournaments as a way to learn about other styles, better learn the forms, and overall sharpen his Karate skills. He has participated in 13 tournaments as an under belt including the Sunflower Games, Tornado Internationals, and a number of locally sponsored events and has 4 first place, 3 second place, and 6 third place ratings in Kata, weapons, and point sparring.
Karate is a view into hundreds of years of Okinawa history, customs, and traditions. At the same time it is a modern, evolving martial art for self defense and a great way to keep in shape.
Michael Nobo - Karate
Michael is currently a 1st degree Black Belt. Michael started his training in 1996 with Professional Martial Arts at the age of six, under the instruction of Ruben West and Kevin Wilson. Michael has since spent six years away from PMA at the University of Kansas, where he continues his practice and completed a Master's degree in Social Work. Michael continues his study of Okinawan Karate to this day.
Michael has been a practitioner with the University of Kansas' Tae Kwon Do student organization, has been a practitioner of Capoeira with of Grupo Axe and Berimbazu from Kansas City, KS, and has instructed an Extreme Martial Arts Class at Professional Martial Arts. "I have a passionate interest for the martial arts of the world, and I look to them to better enhance my practice of Okinawan Karate."
Through his training and education around various martial arts, Michael has learned that martial arts is much more than a way to keep yourself physically fit and safe. The martial arts are a life style, and it is not something that that can be completely mastered in a life time. He believes that there is much more to our training as a martial artist then the martial arts techniques we learn. Concepts such as respect for others, and growth and care for one's body and mind are just as important as our martial arts technique.
Looking forward to the future, Michael has plans of opening his own martial arts studio where he can invite practitioners of other disciplines to share their knowledge with students. Michael's martial arts studio will also be paying special attention to those youth and adolescent practitioners who come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, by working a martial arts program that includes mentorship, and connections with social and familiar supports, to help these children enhance their academic performance, physical aptitude, and build positive personal strengths.
Kirk Shiney - Karate
My initial interest in the martial arts began before I was a teen when I participated in a YMCA Judo class where I practiced for a few months. Fast forward almost a quarter century later my attraction was revived as I was a spectator watching my five year old son's Karate classes. After six months I felt the need to join him.
Through the tutelage of Master West and Master Wilson my training in Okinawan Karate has led me to believe that the martial arts begin with a science of how the human body reacts to different stimuli. This study expands beyond self defense to develop body and mind for longer life.
The art forms when one uses techniques as it applies to their individual circumstance. Through the teaching of Grand Master Dillman and the study of Kyusho Jitsu a single technique has many different applications that vary from the individual's interpretation and situation.
I was awarded my Shodan, first degree black belt in 2004. However, the learning is just beginning and my thirst for knowledge will continue for many years to come.
Ron Haag - Aikido
Ron started his Aikido training in the late 90's. His training began with Sensei Shawn O' Brian, Sensei Robert Lara, then Sensei Mark Tolbert, and finally with Sensei Gary Boaz. He has appreciated the training, experience, and perspective that each Instructor has provided him.
Ron was a wrestler in school. From his former passion for wrestling, he used his background and experience to also train in jujitsu with Chris Jones. He finds jujitsu very beneficial for self-defense, and has appropriately applied his previous skills into this art.
Ron is a diligent practitioner of Aikido. He passes his knowledge of Aikido onto the Students at Professional Martial Arts. He teaches many aspects of Aikido, but his largest focus is on how it can be used for self-defense.
Gary Muckenthaler - Aikido
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Donna Grabauskas - Fitness Kickboxing
I originally contacted Sensei Kevin Wilson about Kickboxing- looking to change up my workout routine. I remembered that a class had originally started years ago and wanted to rejoin the existing class that was being taught, however at the time the class was no longer available!
I am a 1st degree black belt that I earned in 2000 and have trained off and on for over 18 years with PMA. Starting up and teaching a Fitness Kickboxing class seemed to be exactly what I was looking for!
So, in October 2012 we started teaching Fitness Kickboxing again. It combines a mix of cardio, karate, kicking, punching, and Pilates all into one class and now consists of a group of hard working individuals that bring their "A" game to every session. But I'm always looking for new students to help them increase their strength, confidence, balance, tone, stamina and offensive techniques. If it sounds like just what you are looking for too or just have a question about it, feel free to contact me at Hope to see you there!