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Karatedo - the way of the empty hand
» Youth Karate | Children's Karate
ADULT KARATE - Students study the art of Okinawan Karate. Classes focus on strikes, foot-work and stances that are within the traditional katas. Students also learn the location, angle and direction of vital and pressure points. All participants can test and be promoted through the various belt ranks.
Have peace of mind...
Now you can learn self-protection in a safe, learning atmosphere with other people just like you - people who want to improve their fitness while learning the valuable skills of self-protection.
What we teach you could save your life...
Everything we teach is reality based. Our instructors work very hard to insure that most any situation you might encounter is covered in the classroom under very safe learning conditions, so you will be prepared.
The most important skills you will learn will be how to avoid confrontations. However, should you ever have to protect yourself, we can make the difference.
Our workouts are a great way to get in shape...
The great thing about our classes is they are like an exercise program with a bonus! You learn to defend yourself while you get in shape.
Also, unlike some aerobics classes, you never feel out of place because everyone works at their own individual pace.
We know most people have never taken a martial arts class and that's great. Our instructors are patient, professional and totally committed to your progress.
Our classes relieve stress...
The neat thing about our classes is that people say it's like a mini-vacation twice a week. When you are in a class, your troubles and worries seem a million miles away. Everyone needs a distraction now and then, it actually makes us more productive.
When you feel good you project a higher level of confidence and that's key to effective self-protection.
Our classroom practice sessions give you confidence...
Our students tell us that the confidence building part of our program is what students appreciate the most. Nothing can take the place of the security in knowing that you can defend yourself, if you have to.
Youth Karate
Much like our Adult Karate program, Youth students study the art of Okinawan Karate. Youth classes focus on strikes, foot-work and stances that are within the traditional katas. Students also learn the location, angle and direction of vital and pressure points. All participants can test and be promoted through the various belt ranks.
Why is Martial Arts so Popular? Martial arts are so popular because no other activity can provide the same results as martial arts for each individual participant. Whether your goals are self-confidence, self-defense, personal development, fitness, flexibility or to earn a black belt, our school will take you there.
Martial Arts are great for Children. Parents today are recognizing that the public school system is not enough. Millions of parents are bringing martial arts, as we teach here, into their children's lives to supplement their education.
Carleton University, in a study reported in Psychology Today (January 1985), found that children in martial arts have a lower level of anxiety; an increased sense of responsibility; a decrease in the willingness to take foolish risks; a higher sense of self-esteem; higher level of social intelligence; and were less likely to be radical.
Children's Karate
In our children's Karate class we focus strong on our mental training as well as our physical training. Three words that our young students learn in their very first class are Respect, Self-Control, and Concentration. As their training continues, they begin to develop a greater understanding of the meaning behind these words. Their attitudes toward these concepts are not only evident in the dojo, but spill over into other environments such as school and home.
We teach children of ages five and up. We work hard to provide a positive learning environment, as well as fun and fresh classes every time. We have worked and continue to work with schools in the community to help provide Karate for school and after school programs.